Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Coming next week to ComiXology - Toaster Guy!

That's right - The Strange Adventures of Toaster Guy has been accepted by ComiXology, the comics reading app! I'm excited because one, I think it'll get Toaster Guy into the hands of more readers; two, maybe - MAYBE - I'll get an email! Getting feedback from readers is like pulling teeth. Literally, like removing bone from the jaw of a human being.

I'll post a direct link next week. PLEASE spread the word to your friends, family, particularly attentive pets, teachers... The mailman... The more coherent girls down at the strip club... Your boss and coworkers... EVERYONE!


  1. Congratulation Aaron! Did you set out how the transitions would occur between panels or do Comixology manage that?

  2. I did not - so I'm hoping ComiXology did! I know the first issue is pretty rough and gritty from an art standpoint, so I hope they were able to make sense out of it....
